Bakhitatuz Zakiyah and andini try octavia are now friends
Azwa Mutiara Azzahra and andini try octavia are now friends
Anissa Fadhilah and andini try octavia are now friends
Ahmad Wahyu Ramadhan and andini try octavia are now friends
Meilia Fatika Sari and andini try octavia are now friends
adiendahaliza and Muhammad Pranaya Fauzan are now friends
Febrian Wijaya Kusuma and Maulana Azis Saputro are now friends
Febrian Wijaya Kusuma and Hasan Al-Aris Effendy are now friends
Virgi Dwi Saputra and Sultan Aqeela Widodo are now friends
Rendy Putra Affandi joined the group Warga Grafika
As'syifa Dwi Agustiyas and Sultan Aqeela Widodo are now friends
Muhammad Aris Maulana and Kinanti Aura Putri are now friends
Febrian Wijaya Kusuma joined the group Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak
Arzagy Ibagaza and Sultan Aqeela Widodo are now friends
Jekyk and Sultan Aqeela Widodo are now friends
Febrian Wijaya Kusuma joined the group Teknik Logistik
Febrian Wijaya Kusuma joined the group Mekatronika
Febrian Wijaya Kusuma joined the group Teknik Komputer Jaringan
Febrian Wijaya Kusuma joined the group Perhotelan
Muhammad syatria savero and Anissa Fadhilah are now friends
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