Khizga Raffina and
Aulia Rizky are now friends
Khizga Raffina and
Mayla Faiza are now friends
Khizga Raffina and
Achmad Zulfan are now friends
Khizga Raffina and
Yohanes Natalis Raditya Nugraha Hari Adi are now friends
Khizga Raffina and
BayuFirmansyah are now friends
Rendy Putra Affandi and
Nayla Zelda Maulidika are now friends
Jekyk and
Nayla Zelda Maulidika are now friends
risa and
Nayla Zelda Maulidika are now friends
Rendy Putra Affandi and
Fira Rosita Devi are now friends
Bastio Fairus Adentino and
Kayla Khoirun Nisa are now friends
Bastio Fairus Adentino and
Adhelya Shoffani Setyawan are now friends
Bastio Fairus Adentino and
Olivia Ayu Puspitasari are now friends
Khizga Raffina and
Adyla Rafa Naura Ayu are now friends
Khizga Raffina and
Nesti Nisita Agasis are now friends
Khizga Raffina joined the group
Desain Komunikasi Visual
Khizga Raffina and
tania salsa febrianti are now friends
Khizga Raffina changed their profile picture
Khizga Raffina changed their profile picture
Khizga Raffina and
Indy Sabira Faradilla Ramadhani are now friends
Rendy Putra Affandi and
Nuzula Wardha Auliya are now friends
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Keep in touch

Khizga Raffina


Sajida Chantika Duannevinsa

Dimas Rizki Pratama

Lintang Raya Ayuningtyas
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