Saskia Fatimatus Zahro and Nadya syah putri are now friends
Saskia Fatimatus Zahro and Akbar Nugraha are now friends
Saskia Fatimatus Zahro and Dirgantara are now friends
Saskia Fatimatus Zahro and Fabrio Dwi Alivandra are now friends
Saskia Fatimatus Zahro and Aldy Christiano Ekaristi Adam are now friends
Saskia Fatimatus Zahro changed their profile picture
Rendy Putra Affandi and Saskia Fatimatus Zahro are now friends
Virgi Dwi Saputra and Saskia Fatimatus Zahro are now friends
Meilia Fatika Sari and Saskia Fatimatus Zahro are now friends
Ariani Miftakhul J and Saskia Fatimatus Zahro are now friends
risa and Saskia Fatimatus Zahro are now friends
Arzagy Ibagaza and Saskia Fatimatus Zahro are now friends
Azwa Mutiara Azzahra and Saskia Fatimatus Zahro are now friends
Putri Noviana Susilo and Saskia Fatimatus Zahro are now friends
Anisa Dwi Nuraini and Saskia Fatimatus Zahro are now friends
Levant Wanua and Saskia Fatimatus Zahro are now friends
Kensayu khairunnisa and Saskia Fatimatus Zahro are now friends
Vidya Amanda Lestari and Saskia Fatimatus Zahro are now friends
Rafsanjaya Mahapautra
Lintang Raya Ayuningtyas
Eka Rani Karismasari
Libby Aurilea Revalina
Anugrah Eka Febrian
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