Rendy Putra Affandi and taniasalsaa are now friends
Ardiansyah Sasmita and Aulia Raya S. are now friends
Bastio Fairus Adentino and this is mei are now friends
Putri Noviana Susilo and this is mei are now friends
ssaasssa and this is mei are now friends
Bastio Fairus Adentino and Daniela Benedicta are now friends
Rendy Putra Affandi and Lisa Rahmawati Agustin are now friends
Ardiansyah Sasmita and Lisa Rahmawati Agustin are now friends
Ardiansyah Sasmita joined the group Desain Komunikasi Visual
Viraaaa and Olga nanda are now friends
Bastio Fairus Adentino and Amelia Maghfiroh are now friends
Rendy Putra Affandi and Amelia Maghfiroh are now friends
Rendy Putra Affandi and Farel Raisha Rabbani are now friends
Rendy Putra Affandi joined the group Teknik Komputer Jaringan
Rendy Putra Affandi joined the group Teknik Logistik
Rendy Putra Affandi joined the group Teknik Grafika
Rendy Putra Affandi joined the group Perhotelan
Rendy Putra Affandi joined the group Animasi
Rendy Putra Affandi joined the group Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak
Rendy Putra Affandi joined the group Mekatronika
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Putri Noviana Susilo
Maulana Azis Saputro
Ardiansyah Sasmita
Akbar Nugraha
Desain Komunikasi Visual
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