this is mei and @greziaa.eloy are now friends
Ahmad Rifki Ramadhani Changed their profile cover
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Ahmad Rifki Ramadhani changed their profile picture
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Ika Izzah and Vanessa Nathania are now friends
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Irfan Dwi Nurrahman and Amelia Maghfiroh are now friends
Ika Izzah and Amelia Maghfiroh are now friends
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ummi abidah and DINA MARRINA are now friends
sherlyazkiah and ekkyfajar are now friends
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Irfan Dwi Nurrahman and ekkyfajar are now friends
this is mei and ekkyfajar are now friends
Axelle Darrell and ekkyfajar are now friends
this is mei and Muhammad Alif Rahmat Maulana are now friends
this is mei and Nisa Hera are now friends
Ika Izzah and this is mei are now friends
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