Rasya Zildan and Riandy are now friends
Halo teman-teman Grafika! 👋
Saya Rasya Zildan dari kelas XI RPL C, dan saya baru saja meluncurkan website portfolio saya! 🎉 Website ini adalah tempat saya menampilkan beberapa proyek dan pengalaman dalam pengembangan web.
🌐 Kunjungi: rasyadev.my.id
Tech Stack yang Saya Gunakan:
Next.js untuk framework React yang powerful
Tailwind CSS…Read More -
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RAHMANIAAYU changed their profile picture
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Sulung Azzuna changed their profile picture
Building with @remix_run has been awesome so far. Having used Next.js for applications for years, the nested layouts are a wonderful feature. I also haven’t learned this much about the web in years.
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Rasya Zildan and Prayoga Darius Wiryawan are now friends
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Rasya Zildan
Sulung Azzuna