Arzagy Ibagaza and Virgi Dwi Saputra are now friends
Dwi Ardhina Putri Amalia joined the group Desain Komunikasi Visual
Arzagy Ibagaza and Anissa Fadhilah are now friends
Arzagy Ibagaza and Olga nanda are now friends
Arzagy Ibagaza and Ghulam Ahmad Billah are now friends
Virgi Dwi Saputra and Rafelia Ananta are now friends
Arzagy Ibagaza and dinitirtaa are now friends
Arzagy Ibagaza and As'syifa Dwi Agustiyas are now friends
Kemas_ and Rafelia Ananta are now friends
Arzagy Ibagaza and Bakhitatuz Zakiyah are now friends
Arzagy Ibagaza and Rafelia Ananta are now friends
Kemas_ and Ariani Miftakhul J are now friends
Kemas_ and Ahmad Wahyu Ramadhan are now friends
Virgi Dwi Saputra Changed their profile cover
Meilia Fatika Sari and Jekyk are now friends
Kemas_ joined the group Desain Komunikasi Visual
Kemas_ and michella netanya putri are now friends
jgn lupa liat y https://www.instagram.com/reel/CcLXYnthaKV/?igshid=MDE2OWE1N2Q=
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Hafidh Yusuf
Aldo Alvyanto
Priscilia Dirgariesta
Mazzaluna Ramadhani
Virgi Dwi Saputra
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