Dirgantara and Lingga Guritno are now friends
ssaasssa and Lingga Guritno are now friends
Fabrio Dwi Alivandra and Lingga Guritno are now friends
Virgi Dwi Saputra and Lingga Guritno are now friends
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Aldo Alvyanto and Lingga Guritno are now friends
Hafidh Yusuf and Lingga Guritno are now friends
Adyss and Lingga Guritno are now friends
As'syifa Dwi Agustiyas and Lingga Guritno are now friends
Jekyk and Lingga Guritno are now friends
Dwi Ardhina Putri Amalia and Lingga Guritno are now friends
Febrian Wijaya Kusuma and Dzul Fikar Putra Pratama kurniawan are now friends
Aldo Alvyanto and Dzul Fikar Putra Pratama kurniawan are now friends
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