Kayla Khoirun Nisa and Amelia Maghfiroh are now friends
ummi abidah and DINA MARRINA are now friends
lamialintangs changed their profile picture
lamialintangs and Ika Izzah are now friends
ummi abidah changed their profile picture
ummi abidah Changed their profile cover
lamialintangs and ummi abidah are now friends
ummi abidah and Muhammad Alif Rahmat Maulana are now friends
lamialintangs and Nazala Mauludia are now friends
ummi abidah and iweee are now friends
ummi abidah and Ika Izzah are now friends
ummi abidah and IbnuAffan are now friends
ummi abidah and Nazala Mauludia are now friends
ummi abidah joined the group Warga Grafika
ummi abidah joined the group Desain Komunikasi Visual
Kayla Khoirun Nisa and Irfan Dwi Nurrahman are now friends
Kayla Khoirun Nisa and Azam Nur Muhammad are now friends
Kayla Khoirun Nisa changed their profile picture
Sajida Chantika Duannevinsa changed their profile picture
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