Kensayu khairunnisa and Aldo Alvyanto are now friends
Virgi Dwi Saputra and SANDYA AGUSTIAN PRATAMA are now friends
ssaasssa and SANDYA AGUSTIAN PRATAMA are now friends
risa and SANDYA AGUSTIAN PRATAMA are now friends
Meilia Fatika Sari and SANDYA AGUSTIAN PRATAMA are now friends
Levant Wanua and SANDYA AGUSTIAN PRATAMA are now friends
Kensayu khairunnisa and SANDYA AGUSTIAN PRATAMA are now friends
Arzagy Ibagaza and SANDYA AGUSTIAN PRATAMA are now friends
Jekyk and SANDYA AGUSTIAN PRATAMA are now friends
Marsha Nadia Putri and Levant Wanua are now friends
Rendy Putra Affandi and Levant Wanua are now friends
As'syifa Dwi Agustiyas and Levant Wanua are now friends
Rafelia Ananta and Levant Wanua are now friends
ssaasssa and IBRA VARREL HAIDAR ISLAMY are now friends
ssaasssa and Radithya Zacky Yusfrian are now friends
Anissa Fadhilah and Muhammad Pranaya Fauzan are now friends
yasminqatrunada changed their profile picture
ssaasssa and Dirgantara are now friends
Kensayu khairunnisa and Hafidh Yusuf are now friends
Kensayu khairunnisa and Fira Rosita Devi are now friends
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Rafelia Ananta
Muhammad Zulfikar