Jordan Chrisetya Secundair joined the group Warga Grafika
Jordan Chrisetya Secundair changed their profile picture
Jordan Chrisetya Secundair Changed their profile cover
Jordan Chrisetya Secundair Changed their profile cover
Jordan Chrisetya Secundair Changed their profile cover
Ignatius Bambang Pandu Utomo Admojo Putro changed their profile picture
Jordan Chrisetya Secundair and Aura are now friends
dwikanadhuharufysyahputra and AdlyMukhdorAulia are now friends
dwikanadhuharufysyahputra Changed their profile cover
dwikanadhuharufysyahputra Changed their profile cover
Jordan Chrisetya Secundair and Gaztafano Rizky S are now friends
dwikanadhuharufysyahputra changed their profile picture
Jordan Chrisetya Secundair and Adli Azzamy S are now friends
Jordan Chrisetya Secundair and Disti Putri Safia are now friends
Jordan Chrisetya Secundair and M. Azril Firdaus A. are now friends