Etik Umami and Naura Salwa Azahro are now friends
Etik Umami and Rendy Putra Affandi are now friends
Muhammad Zulfikar and Rahmad are now friends
Etik Umami and salsaviraaa are now friends
Muhammad Zulfikar and Syarif. are now friends
Levant Wanua and Fabrio Dwi Alivandra are now friends
Muhammad Zulfikar and Dzul Fikar Putra Pratama kurniawan are now friends
Etik Umami Changed their profile cover
Etik Umami changed their profile picture
Levant Wanua and Lingga Guritno are now friends
Levant Wanua and Putri Noviana Susilo are now friends
Levant Wanua and Arinda Lintang Aulia are now friends
Levant Wanua and Muhammad Pranaya Fauzan are now friends
Levant Wanua and Ratu Khumairoh Z are now friends
Levant Wanua and Kensayu khairunnisa are now friends
Muhammad Zulfikar and Marsha Nadia Putri are now friends
Levant Wanua and Arzagy Ibagaza are now friends
Levant Wanua and Muhammad Briant Lestahaneya are now friends
Levant Wanua and risa are now friends
Etik Umami and risa are now friends
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daaniyah aleta akma
Muhammad Zulfikar
Lisa Rahmawati Agustin
Muhammad Nabil Muzakki
naura cahaya aqilah