Muhammad Ghozi Abdi Gusti and Azent are now friends
Ardiansyah Sasmita and Azent are now friends
Muhammad Ghozi Abdi Gusti and AndikaRahmat are now friends
Andika17 and AndikaRahmat are now friends
Ardiansyah Sasmita and AndikaRahmat are now friends
Muhammad Ghozi Abdi Gusti and Nabeela Bening are now friends
revanarezamerinda changed their profile picture
Andika17 and Indy Sabira Faradilla Ramadhani are now friends
Muhammad Ghozi Abdi Gusti and Indy Sabira Faradilla Ramadhani are now friends
Andika17 and AkmalEkaFirlana are now friends
aryaaa and AkmalEkaFirlana are now friends
Ardiansyah Sasmita and DickyThufailRafiSena are now friends
aryaaa and DickyThufailRafiSena are now friends
Muhammad Ghozi Abdi Gusti and DickyThufailRafiSena are now friends
Shandy Wijayanto and Afrian Arnel Alviano are now friends
Andika17 changed their profile picture
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Muhammad Bintang Aulia Rafa Al-haq
Fahrezi Al Ashar Manhapri
Lintang Nia Indriani