Reyhannn03 changed their profile picture
Jekyk and Reyhannn03 are now friends
Jekyk and lamialintangs are now friends
amellsaputriii joined the group Warga Grafika
amellsaputriii joined the group Desain Komunikasi Visual
amellsaputriii and ruqunia.rahma are now friends
Jekyk and this is mei are now friends
amellsaputriii Changed their profile cover
amellsaputriii changed their profile picture
amellsaputriii Changed their profile cover
amellsaputriii Changed their profile cover
Reyhannn03 and amellsaputriii are now friends
indahhvt and amellsaputriii are now friends
Olivia Ayu Puspitasari and amellsaputriii are now friends
Jekyk and amellsaputriii are now friends
Axelle Darrell and amellsaputriii are now friends
Jekyk and HARIS KUNCORO are now friends
Jekyk and Rafi-Moonprojection are now friends
Jekyk and Deva Izhar Fauzan are now friends
Satrio Ilyas Putra Ashari and Sajida Chantika Duannevinsa are now friends
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Alisa Nurul Hasanah
Virgi Dwi Saputra
Akbar Nugraha
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Warga Grafika
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