Prayoga Darius Wiryawan and mochammadrasyaravyqurrachman are now friends
mochammadrasyaravyqurrachman joined the group Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak
RizkyPrastyaAdji and MuhamadAgungFirmansyah are now friends
Rasya Zildan and mochammadrasyaravyqurrachman are now friends
ndadinda and Imanuel Revo Admojo are now friends
Raraauliaa joined the group Warga Grafika
MufidaKomaria joined the group Teknik Grafika
Andika17 and MufidaKomaria are now friends
Ardiansyah Sasmita and MufidaKomaria are now friends
ndadinda and Sulung Azzuna are now friends
ndadinda and Prayoga Darius Wiryawan are now friends
ndadinda changed their profile picture
ndadinda and Yasha Alma are now friends
Yasha Alma and Prayoga Darius Wiryawan are now friends
Rakhaa and Shazia Jasmine are now friends
Aksaii Changed their profile cover
Aksaii changed their profile picture
Aksaii Changed their profile cover
Aksaii Changed their profile cover
Aksaii Changed their profile cover
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