Ardiansyah Sasmita and Yazid are now friends
Ardiansyah Sasmita and muhammadiqbalardiansyah are now friends
justt.meii ! and vetih are now friends
Muhammad Ghozi Abdi Gusti and vetih are now friends
Muhammad Ghozi Abdi Gusti and dzasqiaa are now friends
Yasha Alma and GelyaCalista are now friends
MochLukmanHakim joined the group Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak
ndadinda and @Aisyahnurcholida are now friends
dsyrifna joined the group Teknik Grafika
dsyrifna joined the group Warga Grafika
risma joined the group Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak
R0dr1go joined the group Teknik Logistik
R0dr1go joined the group Perhotelan
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