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Nathania AngelaOffline

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  • My name is Nathania Angela Jama, and I was born in Malang on June 21st, 2004. I used to be an intern at a Kipaworks company as an illustration designer or graphic designer. I became an intern here for the 9th month, starting from April 2021 - December 2021. After becoming an intern, I also tried to work as a freelance designer who works online and with requests from clients or buyers. I started this job right after the internship, which is the end of December 2021 until now. I also have good organizational experience, namely joining the Student Council of Vocational High School 4 Malang for 2019/2020. I served as Coordinator of Section 8th on Arts, Literature, and Culture. I am also a member of the Youth Organization in the neighborhood where I live and I only served as a member and started joining in 2017 until now. The experiences above can make it easier for me as a fresh graduate to create a CV and portfolio when applying for a job. I hope this biography helps you know a few things about me.
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